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After Sales Services of SJ Petro Drilling Equipment
There are 5 units of Drilling Rigs and 17 units of Cementing Units that manufactured by SJ Petroleum Machinery Co. active in Iran and these machines need to maintain continually to work efficient.
YPP Co. trained its technical staff in SJ Petro center in China and equipped its service center in Ahwaz city to provide good services and satisfy SJ Petro’s esteemed customers.
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After Sales Services of SJ Petro Drilling Equipment
There are 5 units of Drilling Rigs and 17 units of Cementing Units that manufactured by SJ Petroleum Machinery Co. active in Iran and these machines need to maintain continually to work efficient.
YPP Co. trained its technical staff in SJ Petro center in China and equipped its service center in Ahwaz city to provide good services and satisfy SJ Petro’s esteemed customers.
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